We sincerely appreciate you taking the time to review all the information we have shared here. If you have any questions, please feel free to let us know.
At this age, the children should receive all three Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Confirmation and First Holy Communion). We have a program for them called RCIC (Rite of Christian Initiation for Children).
At this age, teenagers should receive all three sacraments of initiation (Baptism, Confirmation and First Holy Communion). We have a program for them called RCIT (Rite of Christian Initiation for Teens..
For adults seeking Baptism, we have a program called RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults). It covers all three sacraments of initiation (Baptism, Confirmation and First Holy Communion).
Baptism is the first sacrament to become a full member of the Catholic Church. The waters symbolize the outpouring of God’s spirit which cleanse us into a new life of transformative and unconditional love. These are the requirements for bringing your child to Our Lord.
1st Saturday of each month.
Note: No talks on Saturday, October 5th, 2024
Who attends: PARENTS ONLY
Meeting topics:
• Why is the sacrament of Baptism important?
• Documentary requirements.
• Choosing godparents: What is expected?
3rd Saturday of each month.
Orientation topics:
• Helpful tips for nurturing your child’s faith.
• The function of the sponsors.
After attended the required orientation meetings please bring all the documents to the Parish Office. Monday to Friday 8:30am to 1:30pm and 2 to 6pm.
Yes, you have to attend two meetings.
If you want the Baptism in English but prefer to attend the Spanish class, please feel free to attend for our Spanish meeting instead.
You don't need to register in order to attend a meeting.
Godparents are chosen to be a model for the child, teaching him or her about the Catholic faith through a lifelong relationship of prayer, love, and faith sharing. Before you ask someone to be your child’s godparent, take time to pray and reflect on that person’s capacity to be a good Catholic.
Godparents must meet all of the criteria below. Can. 874
A person who is not a Catholic but has a valid baptism from another Christian Church can act as what is referred to as a “Christian Witness” for the child. In that case, the other sponsor needs to be a fully initiated practicing Catholic according to the stipulations of Canon Law. Please note that the Christian Witness will not be on record as a godparent/sponsor.
Sponsors must be at least 16 years old.
Sponsors must have their Sacraments of Baptism, First Communion and Confirmation.
The guidelines from Canon Law (Catholic Church Law) are as follows:
For the baptism for a child or an adult, there must be at least one godparent/sponsor.
It is customary for children to have two godparents, but some cultural traditions have more than two. In that case they all can be part of the ceremony, but only two will be on record.
When there are two, one must be male and the other female. Can. 873
If a godparent/sponsor is married, the marriage must be recognized by the Church. Can. 872.
People who are co-habitating in a romantic relationship cannot be godparents, nor anyone who is only married civilly.
If they do not meet the criteria, ask us about the possibility of a "honorary Godparent" or a convalidation of the marriage. Please call or email us for more information.
Future Godparent(s):
This means that they must be practicing the Faith, cannot be engaging in grievous sin, and cannot have taken public positions in opposition to Catholic teachings or morals.
English: 10:30 am
Español: 9:00 am
Month | Dates |
January 2025 | 04 & 18-2025 |
February 2025 | 01 & 15-2025 |
March 2025 | 01-2025 |
April 2025 | 20 -2025 |
May 2025 | 03 -2025 |
June 2025 | 07 & 21-2025 |