Why suffer when you can have peace of mind? Why be overwhelmed when you can claim sanity? Why die when you can live… and live well!
CAFÉ was founded so that those affected by an addiction can face the situation as a family, providing a better opportunity for recovery and spiritual development. Addictions are diseases that affect the whole family. When one suffers, the whole family suffers its consequences or "becomes infected". CAFE is a resource for prevention in an environment of respect and dignity.
When a person is diagnosed with a serious illness, it is necessary for the whole family to be notified. Unfortunately, this occurs last with addictions, contributing to the family suffering unnecessary pain. We want to emphasize that as long as the family is not informed about the situation, the less opportunity they will have to help.
Let us be of service.
Experts say there are three types of addicts:
The Twelve Steps of CAFE
1. We admit that we lack the power to live a full spiritual life, and that our lives have become unmanageable.
2. We have come to the conviction that only a power greater than ourselves can restore us to wholeness.
3. We decide to place our wills and our lives in the care of God, as we understand him.
4. We fearlessly take a moral inventory of ourselves.
5. We admit to God, to ourselves, and to another human being the exact nature of our weakness.
6. We are entirely willing to let God deliver us from our character flaws.
7. We humbly ask him to release us from our shortcomings.
8. We make a list of the people we have offended and are willing to repair the damage we caused them.
9. We directly repair the damage caused, except if when doing so would damage them or others.
10. We continue to do our personal inventory and when we make a mistake we immediately admit it.
11. Through prayer and meditation, we seek to improve our conscious contact with God, as we conceive him, only asking him to let us know his will for us and give us the strength to fulfill it.
12. Having had a spiritual awakening as a result of these steps, we try to carry this message to all who want it and to practice these principles in all our affairs.
The Twelve Traditions of CAFE
1. Our common welfare comes first, personal recovery depends on the CAFÉ unit.
2. For the purpose of our group there is only one fundamental authority: a loving God who manifests himself in the conscience of our groups. Our leaders are nothing more than trusted servants, they do not rule.
3. The only requirement to belong to CAFÉ is to want to further enrich your spiritual life.
4. Each group is autonomous, except in matters that affect other groups or CAFÉ considered as a whole.
5. Each CAFÉ group has only one primary objective, to carry the CAFÉ message to whoever wants it.
6. A CAFÉ group should never endorse, finance or lend the CAFÉ name to any related entity or outside company. We avoid the money, property and prestige problems that deviate us from our primary objective.
7. A CAFÉ group must support itself, refusing to receive outside contributions.
8. CAFÉ will never be professionalized, but our service centers may employ special workers.
9. CAFÉ as such should never be incorporated; but we can create service boards or committees that are directly accountable to those they serve.
10. CAFÉ has no opinion about matters unrelated to its activities; therefore, its name should never be mixed up in public controversy.
11. Our public relations policy is based more on attraction than promotion, we must always maintain personal anonymity before the press, radio and the cinema.
12. Anonymity is the spiritual foundation of all our traditions, always reminding us to put principles before personalities.
CAFÉ Preamble
We are a community, with the purpose of developing and strengthening ourselves spiritually to be able to face the circumstances of life in more effective ways. Through spirituality we may solve some of our trials. We meet in an atmosphere of respect and dignity, to share our experience, strength and hope. We are not a religious community, but if spiritual, all people are welcome. Our commitment is with God and with ourselves to be of service to all the people who want to further develop and
strengthen their spiritual life.
We do not charge for our service; we support ourselves with our own contributions. Though we are not a secret community, we maintain the anonymity of our members and that of the people who visit us.
The only requirement to belong to CAFE is to want to further enrich your spiritual life.