Facilitator: Lucy Howell
Parish liaison: Denise Harder
Secretaries: Irma Becerra & Lucy Howell
A FAITH THAT DOES JUSTICE (AFTDJ) was created for our parish by Fr. Peter Gyves, SJ to encourage parishioners to live out the Gospel and put their faith into action through acts of social justice. Fr Peter also wanted AFTDJ to be an ecumenical group. Towards this goal, speakers from other faiths have made presentations about their religions and what their religion says about social justice.
Currently, Fr. Neal “Pepe” Wilkinson, SJ is the Jesuit Advisor.
AFTDJ is guided by a Planning Committee composed of Our Lady of Guadalupe parishioners, members of other parishes, students from University of San Diego, San Diego Organizing Project (SDOP) and other organizations and an organizer from SDOP. There are over 300 individuals in the AFTDJ data base.
Meetings on topics related to social justice and Jesuit spirituality are held periodically at Our Lady of Guadalupe Hall from 6:30 pm to 8:15 pm. Meetings will be advertised in the bulletin, by e-mail and Flocknote(Church communication tool), if you wish to be added to the database, please send the request to the facilitator.
Planning Committee meetings are held on Zoom. If you wish to be part of the planning committee or suggest a speaker or topic, please contact the facilitator.
AFTDJ will periodically schedule Know Your Rights and naturalization information offered by Catholic Charities after Masses on Sundays. Dates and times will be announced in the bulletin.
We registers voters, provides voter educational information, and provide activities for parishioners to learn how to bring prayer and our Faith into the ballot box. We do not endorse any candidates or political parties.
Karma Lekshe Tsomo, an
American Buddhist
Mario T. Garcia, Professor at UC Santa Barbara. Author of “The Gospel of Cesar Chavez, My Faith in Action”
Rev. Dr. Bill Jenkins, Safe Harbors Network
SD City Councilmember District 8 Vivian Moreno
An effort is made to alternately conduct the meetings in English & Spanish. Simultaneous translation is provided.