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“For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat.” (Matt. 25:35)
The San Diego Catholic Worker is concerned with feeding, housing and clothing folks who are less fortunate than we are. On Wednesday we prepare homemade chicken soup and sack lunches in the kitchen at Our Lady of Guadalupe. Some of this food is distributed to homeless who have cars in two parking lots; one on 28th Street and one on Imperial Avenue.
We also distribute food to retired senior citizens in the Barrio Logan area and we prepare boxes of non-perishable food which are distributed to families of Our Lady of Guadalupe parish and Our Lady of Refuge parish in Pacific Beach.
In addition, we also prepare and distribute sack lunches on Friday in Pacific Beach. We collect and distribute donated clothing through the parking lot program.
Come join us and be the feeding hands of Christ! We gather on Wednesday afternoons at the kitchen of Our Lady of Guadalupe church.