
Baptism, First Communion and/or Confirmation

Programs for individuals ages 8 and up.

Please read all the information provided.

How Old is the Person?

  • Children 8 - 12 Years Old

    Click here for more information.

    At this age, the children should receive all three sacraments of initiation (Baptism, Confirmation and First Holy Communion).  We have a program for them called RCIC (Rite of Christian Initiation for Children).

  • Teenagers 13 - 17 Years Old

    Click here for more information.

    At this age, teenagers  should receive all three sacraments of initiation (Baptism, Confirmation and First Holy Communion).  We have a program for them called RCIT (Rite of Christian Initiation for Teens).

  • Adults

    For adults seeking Baptism, we have a program called RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults).  It  covers all three sacraments of initiation (Baptism, Confirmation and First Holy Communion). You may find information here.

Everything you need to know:

8 - 12 Years Old

Please select a category:

First Holy Communion Preparation

We offer Family Catechesis in which parents and their children (grades 3 thru 7) are integrated in this process. In Family Catechesis, parents come to the sessions together with their children to prepare for First Holy Communion.

As the primary catechists of their children, parents are guided and given necessary tools during the Sunday sessions and also at home. Sessions are held on Sundays and the families are required to attend Mass together. The preparation is a two-year process, and all of the families participate in service projects, ministry, and church events throughout their preparation. Most of our catechist volunteers are former parents who lived the Family Catechesis experience and decided to give back out of their immense gratitude. Both parents and children participate and grow in their faith during this process. Many parents become lifetime faith-sharing friends after this experience.

There is a non-refundable administrative fee per family.

For more information, call 619-233-3838

Baptism and First Holy Communion

If your child is age 7 or older and has not been baptized, he/she must be in grade 3 thru 7 to begin the preparation for Baptism under the Family Catechesis First Holy Communion Preparation.

There is a non-refundable administrative fee per family.

For more information, pleae call  619-233-3838

Special Religious Education - First Holy Communion Preparation

We offer Special Religious Education Family Catechesis in which parents and their children with special needs (Grades 3 thru 8) are integrated in this process. Parents must present a current IEP. Sessions are held during the week.

There is a non-refundable administrative fee per family.

This is a one-year preparation.

For more information, please call 619-233-3838

Special Religious Education – Baptism and First Holy Communion

If your child is age 7 or older and has not been baptized, he/she must be in grade 3 thru 8 to begin the preparation for Baptism under the Special Religious Education Family Catechesis First Holy Communion Preparation.

There is a non-refundable administrative fee per family.  This is a one-year preparation.

For more information, please call 619-233-3838

Everything you need to know:

13 - 17 Years Old

Why Confirmation?

According to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, “Baptism, the Eucharist, and the sacrament of Confirmation together constitute the Sacraments of Christian Initiation. By the sacrament of Confirmation, the baptized are more perfectly bound to the Church and enriched with a special strength of the Holy Spirit.” (CCC 1285)

Students and Classes

  • Confirmation Program for Teens (13-17)

    Students who are in grades 9, 10, 11 and 12 can register with the Confirmation Program (Rite of Christian Initiation for Teens). They will receive Baptism and First Holy Communion, but must be at least 15 years old to be Confirmed .

  • Class Times?

    Confirmation classes will be held on Sundays via zoom (then in small groups in person as pandemic restrictions are lifted).

    Confirmation candidates must attend the 830am Mass every second Sunday of each month.  This will help them express and share their faith with their peers.

  • Are students allowed to be absent?

    Students may not miss more than three classes.

    Parents must contact the Confirmation mentors if the child will be absent. If a student exceeds the three-absence limit, the candidate and/or their parents will be required to meet with the Youth Coordinator.

    High School RCIA CANNOT miss any classes and must continue the program until October.

  • Do students need to do Community Service?

    We commence our Fall Confirmation Program with Service, Prayer and Fellowship Opportunities. All Confirmation candidates are asked to do service hours during the year, on the fourth Sunday of each month.

Confirmation Sponsor

  • Who can be a Confirmation Sponsor?

    Each candidate preparing for Confirmation is asked to choose a Confirmation Sponsor. Your sponsor must be at least 16 years of age, have received all the Sacraments of Initiation, and be a practicing Catholic. If your sponsor is married, the marriage must be valid in the Catholic Church. Sponsors must be chosen and a Sponsor Form must be filled submitted.

    Parents cannot be sponsors of their children.

  • What is a Sponsors responsibility?

    Confirmation sponsors are companions on the candidate’s faith journey. They should be someone whose Christian lifestyle they admire, someone with whom they feel comfortable, and someone who has the time and willingness to be involved with them throughout this process.

    The primary roles of sponsors are:

    • To serve as a role model of an outstanding Catholic.
    • To guide and assist the candidate in learning about the Faith.
    • To be committed to praying for the candidate regularly and for life after Confirmation.
    • To attest to the candidate’s practice of the Catholic faith before the Bishop and the church community. The sponsor proclaims the candidate’s readiness to receive the Sacrament and become a fully initiated member of the Catholic Church.
  • Are there going to be interviews?

    There is candidate evaluation.

    Each candidate will be interviewed face to face. They also have to option to write an essay.

Other Requirements

  • Attendance at all Sunday masses and Holy Days of Obligation: The Family of God gathers together as a parish community during the weekly liturgy. Candidates are expected to attend weekly mass at the parish and receive Holy Communion when eligible.
  • Candidates must be in a state of grace to be confirmed. They should receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation at least once within a month prior to Confirmation.
  • The candidate’s Baptismal Certificate should be turned in to the parish office during registration.
  • Candidates should attend all scheduled retreats and meetings. In addition, they must attend one Youth Day Retreat and one weekend Retreat. Dates are listed below.
  • Candidates should always be praying so that they may receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit with the courage and readiness to act on them.

Confirmation Ceremony

After the Confirmation date has been determined, the candidates and their families will meet with the priest who will be celebrating the sacrament. Boys are asked to wear ties and dress pants (no t-shirts, tennis shoes or jeans). Girls are asked to wear white dresses or skirts and

blouse. No strapless or low-cut tops will be allowed, shoulders must be covered, and dresses and skirts should go below the knee.

To register online, click on the button.

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